Welcome to Trees by Water
We set up this website in 2013. Our original idea was to offer presentations, workshops and courses on vision, stories and symbols. We believe that connecting with these three aspects of human experience can reveal creativity, strength and energy in us. We can draw on all of these qualities to make a difference to how we live our lives as individuals and in groups. Trees by Water aims to use a range of approaches and techniques, including a set of cards designed specifically to support the vision process.
It is some time since we conducted workshops and, for a combination of reasons, this is not something we are able to offer at the moment. There are still some details on this page and elsewhere on this website about how we work in this way, in order to give a flavour of our approach.
We have continued to post some blogs and to work on both using images and spreading ideas relating to Trees by Water in other ways. For example, over the last couple of years, we have been writing a series of blogs on ecological issues. It may be no coincidence that the title of this website, Trees by Water, lends itself to this dimension. Amongst other things, these blogs explore the relationship between vision, symbol, imagination and community and the climate crisis.
We intend to write on various subjects and to post details of other activities, either on this site or elsewhere.
Nurturing Vision
We often have ideas about how we would like life to be different, whether it’s creating a meditation space at home or starting our own business. Making the changes involved is not always straightforward. Trees by Water aims to support this process through workshops and short courses.
Inspiration through Symbols and Stories
Images and stories are so much part of our daily experience that we can easily forget about them. They can have a tremendous power, especially when they link us with a deeper part of ourselves. In looking at both ancient and modern symbols and tales we can connect with a powerful resource. Trees by Water works to tap into this deep well through workshops and short courses.
Please contact us with any questions or to discuss your needs in more detail
email - david&elizabeth@treesbywater.co.uk
phone - 07810 482632