
The Time is Now

Tuesday 7th of January 2020

The beginning of a New Year seems a good day for a blog, the first year of the 2020s even
more so. One reason for this is that the headlines of at least some of the newspapers this
morning feature the prize which Prince William is instituting to encourage people to find
solutions to the climate crisis.

A Globe-All Perspective

Monday 30th of December 2019

I am writing this two and a half weeks after an election and one day
before the end of the year. The New Year is generally a symbol of
hope and I’m still idealistic enough to think that elections can be too.
One of the striking aspects of the election campaign for me
was that ecological issues were at least discussed far more than in any other campaign

Not Alone

Sunday 15th of January 2017

Sometimes an event happens which makes you feel really privileged. I can think of a number of examples of seeing a wild animal just going about its business which come into that category. Maybe that’s because I grew up in an urban environment, although part of me also wants to think that even if I’d lived in the country as a child something like this could still be special.

Shared Moments

Sunday 15th of January 2017

Something of a recurring exclamation in our house is “Oh, wow!” I don’t mean that we say it all the time and there are other exclamations which are less wholly positive, but it is nevertheless a refrain which punctuates family life.

Garden with water

Water and Gardens

Thursday 18th of August 2016

I’ve recently been reading a book about Islamic gardens. Before doing so, I’d not realised what a key part water plays within this tradition. On one level, this may be because of its origins within relatively arid areas. However, there is probably more to it than that. Certainly, Emma Clark, the author of the book which I’ve been reading thinks so:

Stand at Christian Resources Exhibition

Exhibition News

Thursday 9th of October 2014

We have just got back from the Christian Resources Exhibition.  We've been unpacking and unwinding after an inspiring couple of days.

New Cards

Tuesday 7th of October 2014

We're delighted to add two new sets of cards to our shop today.  We feel these combine really well with the Vision Cards.  See the descriptions in the shop section of the website.  We hope that these cards will inspire creativity and reflection.

Bluebells and nettles

The Energy of Change

Tuesday 27th of May 2014

Over the past few weeks, it seems that almost every day there have been new shoots, leaves or flowers to see in our garden.  It happens every year, but it still takes me aback at times.

Vision Cards Rainbow Layout

Ways to Use the Vision Cards

Monday 20th of January 2014

Since we first devised the Vision Cards we’ve used them with various groups and individuals.  We’ve been very struck by how much of a connection people make with the cards.  What has hit us over and over again is how this changes each time the cards are used.

Into the New Year

Monday 20th of January 2014

The weather had been really beautiful – bright sunlight stretching long winter shadows across the hills as we crossed the Pennines.  It was a good forecast, so we were taking advantage of a weather window as we drove a car loaded with presents to see family for Christmas.
