
Altar at Gorton Monastery

People and Places

Tuesday 8th of October 2013

Last weekend we were present at a Mind, Body & Spirit event.  This took place at Gorton Monastery.  2013 marks a hundred and fifty years since construction began on this site.

Rowan Tree

Monday 30th of September 2013

Some months ago I saw a rowan tree which had blown down.  It was in a place where I walk regularly and was part of a line of trees.  Perhaps partly because there was only one rowan in this series, I felt its loss keenly.

Trees, Water and Symbols

Monday 23rd of September 2013

What first came into your mind when you came across the Trees by Water website?  Did it evoke a particular memory?  Did you find yourself thinking of somewhere you know where there are trees standing by water?  Perhaps you had some imaginary trees in your head instead.
